- About Me -

I grew up in a household where entrepreneurship was encouraged at a young age. My father was a jack-of-all-trades, and my mother was the Bonnie to his Clyde.

Over the years, I watched my father run his car dealership. He taught me life skills and introduced me to the worlds of marketing, networking, and public relations.

I was a witty teen entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry. I remember going to dealer auctions with my father and he would “throw” me in the "bidding" ring. I didn't let the other bidders intimidate me. My adrenaline was pumping, the pressure was on, and there was no room for error. My dad always told me not to be afraid, but to instead read the room and its psychology. 
A memory of my late father and I

Although my father fostered my love of business, it was my mother who truly ignited my entrepreneurship journey. She remains my confidante … and the Thelma to my Louise.

Growing up with this zest for life piqued my interest in psychographics.

Upon graduating from college, I have played a variety of professional roles throughout my life, but I have never wandered too far from my true love of business and working with people.

Jewelry is personal, it happens to be the oldest form of adornment. I wish to connect people and jewels as a form of art; a way of allowing you to express yourself. Jewelry tells an anecdote about who you are, and everyone has a story.

Gem & Mineral Show, Arizona

While on the road selling my wares, I truly enjoy meeting people from all walks of life. I learn something new from everyone I meet. As a native New Yorker, I come to life through my creativity, love of culture, and style.

I hope to channel brilliant energetic fields, connect and portray my personality online, and bring joy to others through my jewelry collection.

With lots of gratitude on this journey of life!

Yours Truly,